GeoNext, Australia’s newest event aimed at all practitioners of location-based technology, will take place next week on the 29 February at the Australian Technology Park in Sydney. The conference will cover the topics of: Free and Open Source GIS Mobile Augmented Reality Monetising Location GIS and Design Speakers include: Dr James Bradfield Moody, […]
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GeoNext Conference
The rise of smartphones means that sophisticated spatial technology is no longer restricted to field workers and geo-professionals. Maps and location-based technologies are becoming as useful for someone buying a coffee as they are for someone prospecting for oil. The cost of location-aware devices is falling, data is now a commodity, and innovation in location-aware […]

Modelling a virtual world
One of the conceptual highlights of the spatial@gov conference had to be Michael Haines' concept of a Virtual Australia and New Zealand – a ‘true to life computer model of the physical world.’ The model would contain all infrastructure, both above and below ground, and all buildings, inside and out. The idea […]

High-calibre speakers line up at spatial@gov
Check out the high-calibre speaker line up at spatial@gov, including Drew Clarke – secretary, Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism; Senator the Hon Kate Lundy Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister; Prof John McMillan AO, Australian Information Commissioner; and Roger Wilkins AO, secretary, Attorney-General's Department. In addition to the high-profile plenary speakers, among the […]