Awards to organisations For awards to individuals please see separate article. Innovation and Commercialisation Award: Services Mapping Using Ground Penetrating RADAR – Whelans InSites This project employed a new method of determining the reliable location of underground assets. It is especially useful where no information – or inaccurate information – exists. Judges stated […]
Search results for "asset management"

Melbourne wins spatial honours
Melbourne’s spatially-enabled city management system won top honours in Victoria’s annual Spatial Excellence Awards. The system, known as Compass, combines and integrates location-based information with the latest mapping, aerial and ground-level imagery and geospatial information technology into a single system that can be accessed by council staff and registered users. It is used by […]

Mapping Medical Fraud
US authorities are using a mapping and data analysis tool to ensure economic stimulus funds are being distributed evenly. The software will be used to identify potential fraud and abuse as well as inaccurate payments to Medicare and Medicaid providers, which cost the taxpayer US$65 billion last year. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid […]

Leica Zeno GIS series
Leica Geosystems Viva systems includes a new series of GNSS/GIS products targeting the data collection market. The revolutionary Leica Zeno GIS offers professionals and newcomers around the globe the most multi-functional and easiest GNSS/GIS solution with superior performance. Leica Zeno GIS provides a one-click automated workflow between the field and office. With the new Leica […]

Geospatial Information & Technology Association
The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) is a worldwide not-for-profit organisation that provides excellence in education and information exchange on the use and benefits of geospatial information and location-aware technologies for asset and infrastructure management. GITA holds regional seminars and workshops throughout Australia and New Zealand.

NSW Introduces CORS Network
JONATHON POWERS The NSW Department of Lands is rolling out a $6 million electronic survey infrastructure. When completed, the entire state will be covered by a network of continuously operating reference stations that receive signals from navigation satellites. The project will increase the absolute accuracy of the survey control network. Currently, the survey […]

NCRIS partners work together to build Soils-to-Satellites tool
One of the great challenges to increasing the sustainability of land management is the need to integrate many different kinds of data at many different scales. In a step towards addressing this problem, cyber-infrastructure professionals from a number of the Australian Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) program capabilities, including TERN, have joined forces […]